I am both the Executor and beneficiary of my fathers will. I have been granted probate and am now trying to deal with the property under the terms of the will.  He was joint owner, tenant in common on a 50/50 basis with his surviving spouse (my mother).  Under the terms of the will a trust has been created for his 50% share for his beneficiaries (myself and my brother on a 50/50 basis).  My Mum as the joint owner obviously retains her 50% share separately.  So my question is which forms do I use (AS1, TR1 or both), and specifically on the forms do I list the beneficiaries of the transfer as myself and my brother or myself, my brother and my mum ?  What I want to achieve is that my late fathers share is transferred to myself and my brother as the beneficiaries of the Trust and my mum’s share remains as is?


Nigel Goddard