Thank you Adam.
I chased my lawyer who kindly copied me in on some subsequent exchanges with LR dated 28 Nov and 3 Dec to show that queries had been answered and acknowledgement received.
This matter is spread across three applications -
a) DY584262 a first registration of a property, recently concluded
b) DY585592 a first registration of a small strip bordering a) above. This first registration is also subject to an adverse possession application as we have enjoyed the exclusive use of this strip since aquiring the property a) in 1982.
c) DY370894. This is our neighbour on the other side of the 'strip' and a boundary agreement application is pending.
Could you confirm that the AP application b) is proceeding and that no further information is needed from our side please. Any idea on timescales, I've read the guidance so appreciate it's not easy.