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Posted Wed, 15 Feb 2023 08:06:25 GMT by Adam Hookway
As a registration authority we receive thousands of applications to update or create a register every single day.

All of them have 'priority' in terms of when they are submitted and how they may have been protected prior to that submission - this means not all are done in strict date order and timescales will vary in just about every case.

The gap between protection, submission and processing will also vary considerably between each type of application as a result of sheer weight in numbers but also as resource/processes impact

The vast majority, over 95%, of such applications are not linked to a dependent/later transaction and the wait time between submission and processing will often have little or no direct impact on the end-customer (owner/borrower for example)
But there will be times when an urgency arises and the register needs to be updated or created asap to enable next steps to be taken - that's why we have an expedite service where the conveyancer/end-customer mainly can request expedition to fast-track/hasten the application(s) that are waiting to be processed
Expedition, if approved, generally means that for most the application is picked up by a caseworker and processed within 10 working days of such approval. It does not mean that it will be completed within those 10 working days and in many cases it is completed sooner. 

For many register updates they are completed same day as the processing takes place but for some and for many register create applications the wait time can still exist as the registration requirements must always be met before we can complete the register update or create a new one.

In some cases the registration requirements are such that we need
  • more information or amended paperwork from the conveyancer - that takes more time for them to resolve;
  • to carry out a site visit/survey - that takes more time as we need Ordnance Survey to do that and report back;
  • to contact third/interested parties to confirm all is ok - that takes more time as we wait for them to all reply or the time allowed to run out;
  • to refer the application to senior officers/lawyers to consider complex/key points

So whilst expedition will generally fast-track/hasten the processing of your application it is not a magic wand or instant fix. The complexities of meeting all the registration requirements exist for all applications, expedited or otherwise, and as such may still mean you have to be patient whilst everything is completed and registered
Posted Fri, 31 Mar 2023 09:31:39 GMT by Adam Hookway
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