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Posted Mon, 08 Apr 2024 09:42:03 GMT by Steve Belasco
Part 2 of Form ID3 states that I need an MP, doctor or similar to verify my ID.
It also states that in order to verify my ID, THEY also have to provide a copy of their passport personal information page.
Does this seriously mean a Member of Parliament or doctor has to provide the personal details from their own passport in order to verify me??
"You must also provide to the person whose identity you are verifying a copy of the personal details page from your passport"
Posted Mon, 08 Apr 2024 10:17:34 GMT by Adam Hookway
Steve - that's correct
Posted Mon, 08 Apr 2024 10:28:35 GMT by Steve Belasco
Thank you.
Wow! The LR makes it nigh-on impossible for a simple transfer from me and my wife, to just my wife on the deeds.
Posted Mon, 08 Apr 2024 11:00:29 GMT by Adam Hookway
Steve - whilst I understand the point I'm unsure how the process makes having your identities verified nigh-on impossible. You have the option of using a conveyancer and form ID1, which is used widely, or form ID3 and those listed. 
Due to the risk of property fraud owners/borrowers have always had to confirm their identities to those who need to rely upon them, namely a conveyancer, buyer, lender or ourselves. 
To that end we have our own identity verification process to cover scenarios where individuals decide to do their own conveyancing. You have a variety of options available and whilst your MP maybe reluctant to carry out the process other professions are available 
Posted Mon, 08 Apr 2024 11:13:01 GMT by Steve Belasco
Thanks and understood. I really meant doing it yourself.
Call me cynical, but it seems this draconian process, like many other processes, is designed to employ those in the legal profession rather than have us mere mortals do the job ourselves!. 
It's ironic that it's simpler to actually get a passport than to transfer a deed which requires that passport for verification!.
And it has to be done twice over, to include my wife!
But thanks for responding anyway.
Posted Mon, 08 Apr 2024 12:21:51 GMT by Adam Hookway
Steve - understood and appreciated but we have to put in place what we consider to be sufficient checks and balances to minimalise the risk of property fraud. Historically property fraud tended to be within families but the risk has widened in recent decades as identity theft has grown and as such then linked to valuable properties etc. So the checks we have in place are to mainly protect not only the legal owner but also ourselves as we have to then guarantee the title details to others such as buyers and lenders when needed.
The 'beauty' of the passport service, and others such as DVLA, is that the agencies can link personal data re individuals and carry our behind the scenes checks seamlessly. But we deal with land and property and the same links don't all exist.

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