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Posted Wed, 15 Nov 2023 21:32:47 GMT by

Hi all,
I'm hoping someone has some advice on who to talk to/how to chase this.

  • I had a mortgage with HSBC

  • I remortgaged with Barclays in 2020

  • I've just exchanged

  • Solicitor has gone to get releases and found HSBC and not Barclays has a charge against my property on the land registry
  • HSBC is indicating that perhaps my previous solicitor didn't file the DS1

We've all been phoning, emailing and calling for days but getting nowhere. I've got less than a week until completion.
Any ideas for how to chase/who to chase? 

Honestly, it's taken 5 months to get here and I'm due to complete the day after my mum starts chemo, I'm up all night vomiting over this and can't breathe. I just really, really need a break. I need the room in the house so I can help look after her as she's going through treatment.

Posted Thu, 16 Nov 2023 07:41:53 GMT by Adam Hookway
HI and sorry to read of the issues you are facing.
There's no 'All' on this forum as it's very much an enquiry forum for HMLR rather than a www open public forum where lots of others chip in
Happy to look at the title number if you share it and try to offer some advice if I can?
Posted Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:43:10 GMT by
Thanks Adam. Thankfully HSBC came through this morning.
  • HSBC supplied a DS1 to my original solicitor, and they failed to file
  • HSBC now update electronically, and a very kind person raised it and had it done for me
Honestly, I wish I could tell HSBC how much they've come through for me. 
Posted Thu, 16 Nov 2023 13:12:35 GMT by Adam Hookway
Excellent news and well done for seeing it through. 99.9% it's simplicity itself but when it goes awry like it clearly did for you it can take time to resolve.

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