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Posted Tue, 23 May 2023 14:24:32 GMT by Adam Hookway
I'd like to determine the exact boundaries of our property
That's difficult to do using the standard title plan that we were given when we bought our house as it's not zoomed in and states it "may not be totally accurate".
How do I view a more detailed, zoomed-in view of the exact boundaries?
Posted Tue, 23 May 2023 14:26:19 GMT by Adam Hookway

Title deeds hardly ever identify legal boundaries.  As a result, the title plan will show you the 'general boundaries' of the property only.

In other words, we show the general extent of the property - by a red line on the plan of the registered title without making detailed enquiries as to the exact location of the legal boundaries.

You cannot use the plan to establish the position of a precise legal boundary.

We reflect what we think is a reasonable interpretation of the land in the pre-registration deeds in relation to the detail on Ordnance Survey mapping.

Land Registry has produced this guide which you may find useful,   Practice guide 40: supplement 5 -Land Registry plans: title plan

However effective registration with 'general boundaries' is for the majority of titles, there are occasions where an owner might require something more precise. There are two ways to achieve this:

  • using a boundary agreement
  • lodging a determined boundary application.

The first option always requires the agreement of neighbouring owners and the second almost invariably will also require this.

Land Registry has produced this guide which describes this process in detail,  Practice guide 40: supplement 4  Boundary agreements and determined boundaries.

Land Registry has produced a series of YouTube videos to answer some of the most common boundary questions, you may find Fixing boundaries more precisely: Boundaries part 6 helpful.

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