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Posted Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:35:21 GMT by David Kipnis
We have had a few requisitions recently, questioning the validity of an official download of LPA for Property & Financial Affairs from GOV.UK under secure access key obtained for the Local Authority.

We would normally reply with:

Submitted LPA evidence – this is an official download from GOV.UK obtained via secure access key issued to the Council, and is one of the accepted forms of LPA evidence, as stated by HM Land Registry, described as “Colour Page Download from GOV.UK”.

This is referring to an advice we were given previously, but it would be great to have a more formal confirmation that this is indeed an acceptable proof of LPA (issued after 2019-2020) and that a Certified Copy of LPA is not required in the case where official LPA Summary is downloaded from GOV.UK via secure code.

The last requisition on this subject is ref: P414JFT.

Many thanks,
Posted Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:44:45 GMT by Adam Hookway
David - PG 9 section 7.1 covers what we require as evidence but in my experience there are times when we will need a full copy specifically when it is shown to include additional instructions and the download you refer to does not explain what those are.
Is that perhaps the case here re the last requisition/application you refer to? If it is then it might be worth making a note that where no additional instructions have been included then the download info is fine. But where 'more' is included then we will need a full copy of the LPA
Posted Wed, 29 Nov 2023 16:23:00 GMT by David Kipnis
Thank you Adam,

Yes, the download was obtained before the summaries started to include additional instructions - it is all clear to me now that I read PG9 section 7 - 7.1

I've asked POA to obtain a new access code, so that the new summary will include the instructions, as per 7.1.

Excerpt from PG9 saved, so we can refer to exact wording and conditions in the future.

Many thanks for your help.

Kind regards,
Posted Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:07:19 GMT by Adam Hookway
Many thanks David and all noted/appreciated. 

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