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Posted Mon, 20 May 2024 16:32:42 GMT by Stephen Leslie Broadbent
My wife and i both own 2 adjoined properties ,ie semi detached . 6 and 8 LANDER  ROAD GRAYS ESSEX RM176AX
We would like to remove 2 off walls to make one large living room, and on large bedroom.
We would also require 2 off access doors in another location in the same houses 

We have been informed by our local council that we need to inform you /get permission for such undertaking  ?

No external work will be required 

would we be able to to have the house number as 6 Lander road and drop the 8 ?

Would  you send approval  documentation to us and the local council ?
Posted Tue, 21 May 2024 06:50:58 GMT by Adam Hookway
Hi Stephen - I have copied below our generic response to an enquiry re amalgamation of two titles.
You don't need our permission to carry out the works you refer to. I imagine the council simply referred you in case the two titles needed to be amalgamated afterwards
If you are seeking a new postal address then the council's street name & numbering department handle that 
I have removed your phone number from your post as this is a public forum 

An amalgamation is the joining of two or more parcels of registered or unregistered estates affecting different extents of land under a single registered title.

We do not amalgamate titles unless some positive advantage accrues to a number of prospective purchasers (such as an amalgamation of areas of land comprising a housing development), or the request does not add unnecessarily to our workload.

Amalgamation can only happen where: 

  • the estates are of the same kind [for example, freehold title] 
  • the estates are owned by the same proprietor[s] and in the same capacity [for example, if an owner holds one title as joint proprietor and another as sole proprietor, amalgamation of the two cannot take place]
  • the impact upon any encumbrances on individual titles, such as mortgages, have been accounted for  
If you wish to apply for amalgamation you will need to complete and submit:
  • Form AP1
  • a covering letter outlining the reasons for the request along with any supporting evidence [If you are being refused insurance, for example, then you should include a copy of that refusal with the application]
  • a sufficient description or plan of the land being amalgamated 
  • a fee of £40.00 [cheques/postal orders to be made payable to HM Land Registry]
Posted Wed, 22 May 2024 15:21:18 GMT by Stephen Leslie Broadbent
Thank you for your response ,

May i clarify the the following 
My wife and i own   6 Lander road property jointly 
I own the 8 Lander road property solely 
Am i correct in assuming that the amalgamation is not possible unless she is on the deeds of  8 Lander road  ?
If so, how do i go about placing my wife as joint owner of  number 8 Lander road 
there is no Mortgage or charge on either properties 

regards steve
Posted Thu, 23 May 2024 05:50:13 GMT by Adam Hookway
Steve - that is correct. See our online guidance re how to transfer ownership
Posted Sun, 29 Sep 2024 12:07:29 GMT by aidan naseri
How do you get a new address on a side dwelling within the same house
Posted Mon, 30 Sep 2024 05:44:33 GMT by Adam Hookway
Aidan - contact the local authority as they manage and create postal addresses 

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