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HMLR Transactional Support Forum
General Info & Guidance
Do we need to submit a SDLT5 even where it is a non-notifiable transaction?
Do we need to submit a SDLT5 even where it is a non-notifiable transaction?
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 12:14:35 GMT
Laura Maltby
General question: Do we need to submit a SDLT5 Certificate with Land Registry applications even where the transaction is a non-notifiable transaction for HMRC purposes? We cannot find any guidance on this.
Many thanks.
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 13:24:27 GMT
Adam Hookway
Laura - we don;t provide general guidance or a list of that kind. That would be for HMRC to provide/advise upon
There are a number of transactions that don't require a SDLT5 so we would consider the application and supporting evidence on merit. I would suggest that if you believe it involves a non-notifiable transaction that you state as much on submission
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