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Posted Fri, 03 Nov 2023 08:16:10 GMT by michael beluga
I had an iva during 2017 and a restriction was placed on my property.
In Sept 2023 they applied to have the restriction removed but it is still showing.
When can I expect it to be removed and how do i go about getting it removed as a matter of urgency.
Posted Fri, 03 Nov 2023 08:18:33 GMT by Adam Hookway
Michael - it was received on 2nd October and it's waiting to be processed. That's unlikely to be for a while yet but the request is protected
If there's an urgency as to why it needs to be processed then you can request expedition 
Posted Fri, 03 Nov 2023 08:23:01 GMT by michael beluga
Ok, but it states "We usually only consider requests from the organisation that sent us the application or the buyer or seller of the property"

I am the seller so i can do this myself I presume?

Posted Fri, 03 Nov 2023 08:43:30 GMT by Adam Hookway
Mike - you can. The guidance refers to 'usually' so does not exclude you
Posted Fri, 03 Nov 2023 08:59:13 GMT by michael beluga
I am a mortgage prisoner and I am desperately seeking a re-mortgage, which will release me from years of poverty and harrassment from my mortgage company.
I have been made an offer but it waill obviously be dependant on the restriction not being in place.
Can i still expedate as I'm not really selling but it's as important as a sale?
Posted Fri, 03 Nov 2023 08:59:54 GMT by michael beluga
oops, i entered my property number in first post. Can you remove that for me or doesn't it matter?
Posted Fri, 03 Nov 2023 09:42:10 GMT by Adam Hookway
Michael - you can request expedition in such circs
I've removed the title number from your first post 

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