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Posted Thu, 30 May 2024 17:10:55 GMT by Georgie Little


I just wondered how long it is taking the LR to complete an adverse possession application (based on registered land) after the 65 day period has expired where no objection has been received from the registered proprietor or from any other party by the deadline.

A new title number has already been generated for the land being adversely possessed, and the land was surveyed by the LR before notice on the proprietor was served. It is holding up a sale and the application has therefore been expedited (this has been approved by the LR). The deadline will expire soon and I am trying to get a feel of whether it will be days or weeks once the deadline passes (assuming there is no objection).

Thank you

Posted Fri, 31 May 2024 06:56:14 GMT by Adam Hookway
Hello Charlotte - if it plays out the way you suggest then you are talking days and not weeks in my experience.
I can't be definitive as other factors can come into play such as resource availability and I would always caution people against setting timescales in stone as a result

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