Andrew - your original post stated you wanted a copy of your lease. Responsibility for holding a copy rests with the superior title holder (landlord) and the tenant. HMLR may hold a copy and as such an application can be made for same using form OC2.
A registered title consists of a register and title plan. These are in essence the 'title deeds'. Both are available online.
If someone wants a copy of a specific deed/document referred to on the register, whether as 'filed' or otherwise, then they can apply by post for a copy using form OC2.
There is no 'general search' facility to identify what deeds/documents we hold re a specific title as each title is unique and the type and number of deeds/documents submitted over time will vary in each case. And we are not a deeds repository so we will not for example hold all 'old' deeds/documents created prior to the property being registered.
A form OC2 and £11 fee can be used to apply for a copy of the registered lease - if we have a copy on file we will then issue an official copy to you
If the register refers to other deeds and states these are 'filed' then you can apply for copies in the same way.
The vast majority of people require a copy of something for a specific reason. They don't require 'all' or anything else but they can, if they wish to, apply for a specific deed/document as per the "
Documents which are not referred to in the register" reference in the guidance. Those documents will include application forms and correspondence and more entered into on previous applications
Or, if they have a specific issue/problem or are trying to identify a piece of historical info, contact us first with the Q and our support team can check what we hold and respond as appropriate. You can then request a specific deed/document as appropriate -
Public guidance: dealing with land and property - GOV.UK
If you would like to share the title number I can check whether the two 'filed' deeds you mention are relevant to the original issue as posed although you may have decided you want copies to complete the 'title deeds' usually required when dealing with a registered property