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Posted Mon, 02 Sep 2024 18:21:56 GMT by Patrick Danda
My brother and I have inherited our father’s house. We are both named executors in the will and a Grant of Probate has been received. I currently live at the property by myself (I lived with my Father) and wish to put it in my name. Can the house be transferred to me without buying my brother out? Or is buying out a requirement in law? 
Also is there a timeframe for when I have to update the register whether it be through assent or a transfer etc? My father passed away over a year ago and I've only just discovered form DJP. 
Posted Tue, 03 Sep 2024 06:32:58 GMT by Adam Hookway
Patrick - we don;t deal with the law re such matters and I would recommend seeking legal advice if you are unsure as to what you can/cannot do.
Probate provides an executor with the legal authority to deal with the estate, which includes the property, according to the will for example
Form DJP is only used to update the register following the death of a joint registered owner
A transfer by an executor to a beneficiary would be by way of an Assent (AS1)
Any other transfer would be by way of TR1
Our online guidance explains what is required depending on the decision taken with regards who the executor is transferring the property to 
Posted Tue, 03 Sep 2024 08:17:06 GMT by Patrick Danda
Thanks for the quick reply, much appreciated.
So what about the time frame to complete and send off the various forms after probate has been received. I have searched everywhere on the website but can find no reference to this. Can I just leave the house registered in my father’s name and continue living here indefinitely until we sell the house in say 3 or 4 years time? 
Posted Tue, 03 Sep 2024 08:45:59 GMT by Adam Hookway
Patrick - there is no timeframe really other than to comply with your obligations as the executor in dealing with the estate as a whole. Timeframes often come down to the needs of both the executor and any beneficiaries and in some cases they can take time to resolve/action
We are only involved in what happens next re the property for example in 3/4 years time when you sell it. We have no role to play in how to you deal with the estate/beneficiaries so any research online wouldn't involve ourselves on that score.
Try online forums such as Money Saving Expert where such matters are often discussed

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