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Posted Fri, 17 Jan 2025 13:18:12 GMT by MUDAVANHU Nyahasha
I purchased a leasehold of an unregistered property that has now expired. At the same time I acquired the freehold of the neigbouring property. The leasehold also included the freehold property I purchased does this mean I am the freeholder of both?
Posted Fri, 17 Jan 2025 13:42:49 GMT by Adam Hookway
Mudavanhu - I doubt it but I don't quite follow the thinking/reasoning as explained
A lease can't include a freehold property as you put it so do you mean that the lease's demise included land/property from both neighbouring properties perhaps. 
Either way if your lease has expired and you have not exercised your right to extend/vary the lease or acquire the freehold then I can't see how you can be the freeholder of both properties.
I'd suggest checking and confirming what is actually registered and to whom. And then seeking legal advice with regards your rights as the owner of the expired lease.
Search for land and property information - GOV.UK
Posted Wed, 22 Jan 2025 13:21:57 GMT by MUDAVANHU Nyahasha
Hi Adam,

Thank you for your quick response. Apologies I was not clear.

The property was purchased with other property as one lot at auction. With a prerequisite that unregistered property would be registered first before completion. Prior to registration property A which was leasehold and property B which is not were one property with a single building traversing the property. The building was subsequently converted to flats which resulted in the formation of the leasehold for property A the lease which also included property B. There was a failure to register property A (solicitor error) however property B was registered on its own. Instead of registering property A the solicitor registered the expired lease into my name and not the freehold. This has now meant owning an expired lease which states the lease also includes property B and also owning the freehold of property B. 

Hopefully the above clears up some of the confusion.
Posted Wed, 22 Jan 2025 13:30:44 GMT by Adam Hookway
Hi Mudavanhu - many thanks but it doesn't clear up anything that we can help with from a registration perspective. 
You already know what's registered and what is not
You also know what should have happened but didn't
It's legal advice you now need to understand what the legal position is and how to put it right. The information you already have will help them provide that advice and a way forward
Posted Wed, 22 Jan 2025 13:56:16 GMT by MUDAVANHU Nyahasha
Thank you

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