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Posted Wed, 03 Apr 2024 16:26:17 GMT by Stephen Mccarthy
We have a property that has 3 titles. We need to Assent the property to 2 beneficiaries. Unfortunately 2 of the titles cover parts of the property that contain areas that need splitting between the beneficiaries.

Can we create 2 new titles to replace the 3 current titles? One title for each beneficiary
Can we use an AS3 form to remove areas for one beneficiary from a title and create a new title. Can we then use AS1 on the orginal title to change the owner to the other beneficiary. Then repeat process on 2nd title.

Or is there another approach?
Posted Thu, 04 Apr 2024 07:00:01 GMT by Adam Hookway
Stephen - AS3 to transfer part and then AS1 to transfer the remaining whole. If you need to transfer part of one title and the whole of another to the same beneficiary then you can use form AS3 and make it clear as to which part and which whole is being transferred - panels 1 and 3 enable you to do that

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