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HMLR Transactional Support Forum
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Changing boundary of leasehold property
Changing boundary of leasehold property
Tue, 12 Nov 2024 23:24:49 GMT
Emily T
I currently own a leasehold maisonette in a converted house. The land on which it sits was split up amongst the 3 properties the building was split into so the downstairs flat (mine) had the driveway and the garden to the rear was split between the other two flats. Despite this being those for a the past ten years, the property boundary on the title deed shows part of the drive as being “communal” although it’s not in practicality as agreed with the other leaseholders. Is it possible to get to remove the communal part and reflect its current status?
Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:29:52 GMT
Adam Hookway
Emily - anything is possible but much depends on the lease and other registered information as the devil is always int he detail.
If it's been created as 'communal' then I assume the lease/deeds reflect that so if that's to be changed then you would need to create a new deed to vary either/both as appropriate.
I would recommend seeking legal advice to confirm the reality re lease/deeds and what's happening on the ground and then decide what's needed and from whom to vary the situation. We then register any outcomes on application
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