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HMLR Transactional Support Forum
General Info & Guidance
My neighbour and I have a disagreement re the boundary - can you help us resolve it please?
My neighbour and I have a disagreement re the boundary - can you help us resolve it please?
Mon, 20 Mar 2023 11:35:22 GMT
Adam Hookway
Me and my neighbour can't agree over where out boundary lies. We are hoping Land Registry might be able to help us resolve it - can you?
Mon, 20 Mar 2023 11:35:39 GMT
Adam Hookway
In short, we can't mediate or help resolve a dispute over boundaries. Information held by HM Land Registry may not assist in solving boundary problems and we cannot provide legal advice in relation to boundary disputes or any other matters.
Title deeds hardly ever identify legal boundaries. As a result, the title plan will show you the 'general boundaries' of the property only.
In other words, we show the general extent of the property - by a red line on the plan of the registered title without making detailed enquiries as to the exact location of the legal boundaries. You cannot use the plan to establish the position of a precise legal boundary.
We reflect what we think is a reasonable interpretation of the land in the pre-registration deeds in relation to the detail on Ordnance Survey mapping.
The best way to deal with any dispute is to try to reach an agreement with your neighbour. If that isn't possible, then you should take legal advice on what options might be open to you.
Fri, 31 Mar 2023 09:24:20 GMT
Adam Hookway
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