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Posted Fri, 28 Feb 2025 17:56:24 GMT by Ann Carlisle
My parents had two properties - their primary residence and a second home. The primary residence is held as joint tenants, the second home as tenants in common. Following the death of my mother, both properties pass to my father's sole ownership. We would like to remove her name from the Register. I have completed two DJP forms, one for each property, and can provide a death certificate. 1. Will you accept a single copy of the death certificate for both properties when I submit documents to you? 2. There is a restriction on the second home as it is held as tenants in common: "No disposition by a sole proprietor 2002-02-15 of the land (not being a trust corporation) under which capital money arises is to be registered except under an order of the registrar or of the Court." Is this restriction lifted automatically when the property has only sole ownership? Or do we need to make a separate application to remove it?
Posted Sat, 01 Mar 2025 06:58:28 GMT by Adam Hookway
Ann - you can use a single form DJP to cover both titles. 
If you submit two forms then you should ensure they are submitted together and cross-refer to one another re title numbers/death certificate
The form A restriction will not be lifted automatically - see PG 6 section 8 for guidance re forms RX3/ST5 to apply to cancel said restriction - Practice guide 6: devolution on the death of a registered proprietor - GOV.UK

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