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Posted Fri, 24 Mar 2023 14:38:41 GMT by Adam Hookway
I want to know more about the details of a covenant put on a property, how can I find the exact details of the covenant. Also does the covenant still stand if the person who the covenant favours has died? 
Posted Fri, 24 Mar 2023 14:43:45 GMT by Adam Hookway
The interest you are referring to is known as a restrictive covenant.&#160;<br> <br> You can check and confirm what covenants are registered by downloading and saving a copy of the register <a href="">online</a> for £3<br> <br> Restrictive covenants are imposed for the benefit of land/property and not a specific person. As such they can remain legally binding. If you are unsure as to the effect and impact of the registered covenants and who might be able to enforce any breach then please seek legal advice
Posted Fri, 31 Mar 2023 09:27:46 GMT by Adam Hookway
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