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Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 16:27:10 GMT by Janet Taplin

My sister and I are in the process of selling our late mothers house and garage. The house is in a courtyard complex and the garage in a block backing onto the courtyard, so they are not physically connected.  My parents bought both these properties from the council about 40 years ago. the garage has its own Title ID and Title deeds that state my mother has title absolute as of 1990. however the buyers solicitors is claiming there is a land registry connection between my mothers garage and a house about 1/2 mile away on a different council estate. this is now delaying our sale. How can this happen and how can it be corrected?

I can seem to see any connection between the two properties.

Many thanks

Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 05:55:51 GMT by Adam Hookway
Hi Janet - impossible to answer without the specifics involved, namely title numbers/addresses as appropriate.
If they state that there's a connection then what are they looking at and what's the connection?
Titles can be connected through a mortgage for example but it is rare, but not impossible, that they can be some distance apart.
Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 06:07:26 GMT by Janet Taplin

Hi Adam, can I put the title numbers here?

Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 06:22:36 GMT by Janet Taplin

Just seen That others have.

TitleID fo the Garage is EX433038.

Title ID for my mothers house is EX286385.

Title ID for the other property our buyers solicitor claimed the garage is connected to is EX403114

Not sure if this will be a contributing factor but about 10 years ago the council renamed and renumbered my mother's address from 22 Mellow Purgess to 64 Camelia Place, but did not do the same for the garages

The solicitors have not specified what they claim the connection is apart from sending me a screen shot showing both EX433038 and EX403114 listed together on the same page

MAny thanks

Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 06:53:38 GMT by Adam Hookway
Janet - many thanks. I can see the 'connection' now but it looks like an error in the links between the title information and the map the conveyancer uses to try and identify registered linked properties/titles. The MapSearch service is simply to provide basic details that they should then check in more detail to confirm the actual registered information/titles.
I'll flag with colleagues to check and to remove the background link to EX403114 - it should be corrected fairly swiftly.
Suggest you simply explain to conveyancer that it is being corrected as explained but if they check the title plan for EX403114 they can see it does not include the garage as registered under title EX433038 
Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 06:55:00 GMT by Janet Taplin

Many thanks for such a speedy reply Adam


Posted Tue, 20 Aug 2024 12:00:12 GMT by Janet Taplin
Hi Adam,   Our buyers solicitors are still claiming there is a problem with the entry for the garage 79 Mellow Purgess EX433038 it seems it to do with a SIM search, this is now delaying our sale as its the only point left. Can you help expedite it please?

Email  extract  below from them...
I have also done a SIM search of the garage and please see attached. Title number EX403114 which is for 65 Great Oxcroft still comes up even on the SIM search. Please liaise with HMLR and rectify this. 
The issue is that there would be a gap between your client’s title to the garage and the road and when I click on the gap, it is only title number EX403114 for 65 Great Oxcroft that comes up.

Posted Tue, 20 Aug 2024 12:07:44 GMT by Janet Taplin
Screen shot of report giving still showing the incorrect link/connection to EX403114 attached
Posted Tue, 20 Aug 2024 13:36:21 GMT by Adam Hookway
Janet - I'm sorry to read that. I'll go a different route with the referral to ask colleagues to remedy matters
Posted Tue, 20 Aug 2024 13:39:25 GMT by Janet Taplin

Many thanks Adam again for your help and speedy reply.

Posted Tue, 20 Aug 2024 15:55:19 GMT by Adam Hookway
Helen - I am advised that the address/garage misinformation has now been corrected. So the registration/address link between the property and garage is no more.
I suspect the other side may wish to do a new SIM to get a new and accurate result
Posted Tue, 20 Aug 2024 15:57:35 GMT by Janet Taplin

I will pass the message onto the solicitors, many thanks again Adam :-)

Posted Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:04:35 GMT by Janet Taplin
Hi Adam, 

Sorry but my buyers solicitors are again querying the results of a new mapsearch on the garage EX433038, it seams in removing all reference to EX403114 they have left a small part of the garage 'unregistered' and this is causing them to again delay in exchanging contracts...  see email from my solicitors and image they refer to attached. it would seem they are concerned over the tiny strip of land between the green square and the road. in reality this a solid block of garages, all flush to the front with no deviation in frontage at all, so I think this might be a left over from the correction of the previous anomaly
On 6 Sep 2024, at 08:50, Danielle Smith <> wrote:
Hi Janet
I’ve received a further enquiry from the buyer’s solicitors this morning which is below:

I attach a new mapsearch.
It appears that when HMLR removed the previous title number they have now left a small portion of land between the garage and the road that is unregistered. If you review the 1990 Conveyance, the extent of the garage appears to be over that small strip of unregistered land too and all the garages should be in line which they are not.

Many thanks in advance for any help you can give to help speed this along.

Posted Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:49:54 GMT by Adam Hookway
Janet - nothing to do with the changes made re the garage/property that was sorted previously.
They are mistakenly relying on MapSearch here re the registered extent and need to rely on the actual title plan. The MapSearch service is only there to enable users to identify the registered title information. And from there to then view the actual register and title plan as appropriate.
I'll flag with colleagues to check the indexing details provided on MapSearch but this shouldn't really be an issue for the conveyancer as they need to rely on the title plan itself here 
Posted Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:56:40 GMT by Janet Taplin

Many thanks Adam,

I will relay this to the conveyancers

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