Most lenders will removed (discharge) their legal charge (mortgage) with us electronically. They will use a dedicated online service to remove the charge and update the register.
In most cases no notification is issued to the owner and you should rely on the lender's notification alone
Such applications and updates are carried out on average around 2 weeks after the lender has notified you that the mortgage has been paid off.
If you wish to be notified you can register for our Property Alert Service - whilst designed to help reduce the risk of property fraud the service can be used for other purposes including being notified of when we receive an application to update the register. For example when HSBC ask us to update re the discharge you would receive a notification by email
I should stress that there is no need for you to hold a copy of the updated register. Of course you may wish to check/confirm but have a read of our online blog for an understanding of what happens re 'deeds' and titles and what you need.