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Posted Sat, 20 Jul 2024 14:51:23 GMT by Steve Jones
Good afternoon,

in 2022 there should have been an application for covenant between titleholders CL84106 and CL204792.
Unfortunately CL204792 hasn’t been registered with the new owner yet, so we can’t see what the status is with the convenant.
Can you please check and confirm that there is a convenant  pending for both titles?
Apparantly, CL84106 should be the retained land.

kind regards,

Posted Sun, 21 Jul 2024 06:18:14 GMT by Adam Hookway
G M Steve - that's correct and there is an application against both titles plus a few more against CL204792. We are still in correspondence with the applicants and that may not be resolved until early next month unless they respond sooner and positively
Posted Sun, 21 Jul 2024 08:22:40 GMT by Steve Jones
Thanks a lot Adam, great customer service!
Posted Sun, 21 Jul 2024 08:45:47 GMT by Adam Hookway
Glad we could help Steve - make a note to check again first week of August and things may have bene resolved by then but we can at least update you either way
Posted Sun, 21 Jul 2024 09:20:06 GMT by Steve Jones

Thanks Adam,

That would be great.

I don’t know if you can share any details, but to our understanding the covenant is as well about “right of way”.

Could you please share or confirm that the covenant contains information about “right of way”?

That’s the missing information for us.

Best Regards


Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 05:49:12 GMT by Adam Hookway
Steve - which is the actual title you are interested in please?
I ask as I note that the applications currently pending are primarily against CL204792 and other titles but not CL84106. I suspect the latter is only mentioned as it was the 'retained land' you referred to.
The application from June 2022 is an attempt to note an easement (right of way) against CL2047902 and other titles and that is the one waiting for a response as mentioned.
Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:17:40 GMT by Steve Jones
Good morning Adam,
many thanks for your answer.

We are looking for a covenant between CL84106 and CL204792, whereby CL84106 is part of the retained land.
The covenant was part of the sale contract and it in one paragraph it was stated that it should be registered under both titles with the Land Registry.
This hasn’t happen yet.

Best Regards 

Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:48:50 GMT by Adam Hookway
Steve - ok, so that's two titles rather than one but there's no application pending against CL84106. A few against CL204792 as already explained.
I'd suggest speaking to your conveyancer to clarify matters although as mentioned the applications against CL204792 are waiting for a response from a third party and it seems unlikely things will move forward until early August as a result
Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 07:54:45 GMT by Steve Jones

Hi Adam,

we will check with our conveyancer!

Thank you very much for all your help, really appreciated.

Kind regards,


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