Hi Emma - the application to update the register from Possessory to Absolute was submitted in February and completed in July. An application to update the register re the death was made at the same time, by the same conveyancer and completed at the same time - all as a single application
The two other applications you refer to remain pending, namely the UN1 and Discharge
Whilst you can submit an application to cancel the UN1 this really relies on it having been completed and on the register already -
Unilateral notice: cancellation (UN4) - GOV.UK
Such applications, when completed, trigger a notification to be issued to the registered owners, as you already appreciate, but at this stage that's not happened.
In the circumstances I think it would be a 'better' option for you if the pending applications were hastened so that the registration process can be completed. You then have a clear and obvious way forward IF for example the UN is registered. IF it's not then you know that's been resolved as well.
I'll flag it with colleagues to hasten the process and then you can see what happens next to enable next steps as appropriate also