The title plan is one of three elements of a registered title along with the register and any documents referred to in the register and filed at HM Land Registry. It's purpose is to support the property description in the register by providing a graphic representation and identifying the general extent of the land in the title
The general extent (general boundaries) are usually shown by way of a red outline on the plan. The title plan may also show other colour references to illustrate the extent of the land affected by an entry in the register where this is not the whole of the title, for example restrictive covenants arising out of a deed that covers only part of the land in the title
The title plan should always be viewed and read in conjunction with the register.
A title plan is prepared when a property/title is registered for the first time. It relies on the Ordnance Survey map current at that time. It is only updated when land is removed or added or an entry is made on the register which requires a plans reference as explained above.
Title plans are not routinely updated each time the OS map/details changes. This is because the title plan is used to show the general boundaries and the registered extent/general boundaries rarely change when OS update their map to show new/extended/altered buildings that lie within that registered extent/general boundary/red outline
our series of Practice Guide 40 Supplements or more information re title plans and plans/maps in general in a land registration context