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Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 07:49:09 GMT by Jarrad Phoney
I am several months into buying a flat in a converted house, however the garden boundaries were changed a few years ago but the title plan was never updated.

There are two flats, one up one down. The garden used to be open plan and split between the two flats, but now a fence has been erected down the middle to create two private gardens.

The vendors have had a surveyor draw up a new title plan, solicitors have drafted deed of variations on the lease, and both lenders for both flats have approved the new title plan. It went to land registry last Tuesday to be registered. It has since been expedited.

My question is what process land registry follow to update the title plan? My solicitors have said that it takes 10 working days after it has been expedited for Land Registry to look at it - but what do they actually do when they receive all the info from the solicitors?

Will Land Registry simply update the title plan as they have all the required paperwork? Or does a surveyor from ordnance survey need to be sent out, and then a grace period of 20 days be allowed to pass in case anyone has any objections to the new plans?

I am trying to get a grasp of how long it might take now it is with land registry and what steps are required for my solicitors to receive the updated title plans. Could it be a few days, or possibly another few months?

Please note these are title plans for both flats. 
Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 07:54:50 GMT by Adam Hookway
Jarrad - expedition gets the application to the processing start line and usually within the 10 days you refer to. Everything then hinges on the application being in order.
If the demised (leased) extents are being altered then we will close the existing titles and create new ones for each leasehold tenure and update the freehold/landlord's title as appropriate
It would be unusual for us to ask a surveyor to visit but that can happen if the new lease plans are not 'good' ones
So I would make a note to check in with your conveyancer at the end of the week/next Monday for an update. They can track progress online and IF processing has started and it's not in order they would be able to confirm that.
Likewise, if more is needed such as a surveyor or wider checks then again they can check and confirm that for you.
So as things stand you are looking at days rather than months
Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:28:11 GMT by Jarrad Phoney
Thanks Adam. So if all the paperwork is in order and there are no queries, a new copy of the title plan for both properties could be made available within a week or two? And what about the 20 day period for anyone to raise objections - is this something that could happen?

Are you able to check the progress if I give you the property address, are you able to see if any amendments to the title plans have been made?
Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 10:32:23 GMT by Adam Hookway
Jarrad - that's correct but impossible to be definitive as everything relies on that casework consideration.
As I said a surveyor/notice period doesn't usually arise re this type of application as the two lease variations should be sufficient. I suspect whoever advised you of that possibility was referencing a different type of application such as one party trying to rectify their tile in another way. And not both having lease variations 
Happy to check but your post suggests they haven't as yet submitted their applications?
Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 10:42:28 GMT by Jarrad Phoney
Thanks Adam. I think these have been submitted and expedition has been approved. But that was last week. It is for 72 Markham Road and 72a Markham Road, BH9 1JA. If you could check this, that would be very much appreciated. 
Posted Mon, 22 Jul 2024 12:04:28 GMT by Adam Hookway
Jarrad - two applications lodged 22nd July. Both expedited. Processing should start in the next day or so.
Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 09:39:21 GMT by Jarrad Phoney
Hi Adam, I have been informed that the application was processed and the title plans for both properties have been updated. Are you able to confirm this just so I am sure? DT483016/7
Posted Tue, 23 Jul 2024 09:44:54 GMT by Adam Hookway
Hi Jarrad - the ground floor flat 72 has been completed this morning after we raised an issue with the conveyancer and they responded yesterday
The second one, 72A (DT483017), is still with us as the issue with that one was only raised this morning. Hopefully the conveyancer can respond equally as quickly to resolve that one as well.
So if you are buying the ground floor flat you maybe good to go but that would be for your conveyancer to confirm of course
Posted Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:12:49 GMT by Jarrad Phoney
Hi Adam, would you be able to provide an update on 72a. Has the title plan been updated for that property? DT483017

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