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Posted Thu, 25 Jul 2024 12:12:25 GMT by Adam Hookway
Hello Patricia - the application is still with us and whilst the 23rd has now passed it still needs to be completed by the casework team. It's taking s long as we had to give the cautioner time to respond as previously mentioned
I'll ask the casework team to give me an update and when they might expect matters to be completed
Posted Thu, 25 Jul 2024 12:17:21 GMT by Patricia Slocombe
many thanks for your swift response  I await your reply 
Thank you 
Posted Thu, 25 Jul 2024 13:11:55 GMT by Adam Hookway
Patricia - the application and the ongoing issue re the caution is with one of our lawyers to consider next steps. I have asked them to consider contacting Burroughs with an update once the lawyer has completed their review.
Hopefully that will be shortly

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