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Posted Sun, 22 Dec 2024 23:40:36 GMT by Juhie Rastogi
Hi, I am wondering if you can please advice. Sometime in 2021-2022,my name was added as beneficiary under 'Pending Land Action Rights' on this property Land Registry title. - DU214655. Now I want this to be removed as the reason for this restriction no longer exists (which was separation from husband but the divorce didn't go through) . This is required so that the property can be sold and I have no objection. Solicitor involved with selling the property has said to remove me as beneficiary to facilitate the sale of property. I am a bit confused as to which form to fill or proof to attach. And how long will it take. Can you please help. We have a buyer and need to act fast. Sorry if it's more information than needed. Thanks
Posted Mon, 23 Dec 2024 08:01:01 GMT by Adam Hookway
Hi Juhie - the beneficiary of a unilateral notice should apply to remove it using form UN2

There is no fee payable for these types of applications.

Please send your completed application form to:
HM Land Registry address for applications.

Please see Practice Guide 19: notice, restrictions and the protection of third party interests in the register for further information.
Once submnitted you can request expedition as it is urgent - Request an expedite - GOV.UK

Posted Fri, 27 Dec 2024 15:05:00 GMT by Juhie Rastogi
Thanks Adam. Really appreciate it.

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