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Help with Driveway Alteration/Extention
Help with Driveway Alteration/Extention
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 14:08:07 GMT
Tony Adurbs
Hello, I hope I could get some help here please.
Long story short:
New Build. (aroind 7-8 Years)
Has a Management Company with it.
Front of house has 50% single drive and 50% grass next to it.
We would like to convert the front to be a double drive, removing the grass area and continuing the theme and appearance of the drive, simply extending it. The grass area is dead anyway.
In the TP1 it states Section 4 that says “forever hereafter to maintain as a soft landscaping area that part of the property laid out as such pursuant to the scheme for development of the estate and to keep such area in a neat and tidy condition and free from rubbish"
We have contacted The management company who said they won't authorise the alteration even though its not their land anyway. Wouldn't the drive be considered soft landscaping anyway as long as it matches the drive already in place?
Do i have to contact Land Registry to get this changed and given permission or do I have to go and ask the developer for written permission too? It's a 7-8 year old property.
Part of me wants to just go ahead with the work but knowing my luck someone will say something so ideally I want to do this properlly.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Just seems alot of hurdles to just change part of the land that I own.
Thank you.
Mon, 03 Mar 2025 14:29:26 GMT
Adam Hookway
Hello Tony - it's legal advice you need here as to how the registered information might be interpreted and how the law would view such actions. Namely who might have the legal right to challenge you over your planned works.
We register and provide the information but we can't provide the legal advice you require
If you are looking for wider commentary then online forums such as Garden Law and Money Saving Expert can be useful resources
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