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Posted Fri, 01 Mar 2024 09:27:44 GMT by Jessica Verity

Whilst I understand that estimated completion dates are just that - estimates - well over half of my outstanding applications are showing as having exceeded their estimated completion dates.  I read that these dates are updated every 30 days but these have not been. 

When you send an enquiry as to when processing will begin, you get an automated response saying that no further action will be taken.  

Both estimated completion dates and the function to enquire re. processing times are therefore not fit for purpose and may as well be removed so as not to cause further frustration.
Posted Fri, 01 Mar 2024 10:08:18 GMT by Adam Hookway
Hi Jessica - I understand and appreciate the frustration caused where the estimated timescale is exceeded. However the processing times and estimated completion date do serve a purpose for the vast majority of applications even if the estimate cannot be more specific.
The data behind the calculation is updated every 30 days but that then adjusts the estimated date for all applications. The recalculation doe snot zero in on the specific application other than by type and date of submission and neither of those details has altered during that time. The estimated time will have but for all that type of application submitted on that date.
Unfortunately at times of such a deep backlog of certain types of work and estimate is all we can ever offer and how that is then used will vary between firm/user/customer.
As a result and in reaction to frequent queries from end clients on this forum I try to explain the importance of priority, secured by receipt of the application, and how the estimated wait time can be lengthy. If there's an urgency then expedition is available in certain cases.
That won't always extend to or work for professional customers/users as like us they have a much wider responsibility to process cases and manage expectations for both the end client, lender perhaps and others. To that end the estimated date and processing times can only ever be an indicator and when it's exceeded there's nothing really to be added as it's still waiting to be processed and still forms part of that wider backlog of work.
We do and are reviewing the calculations involved in estimating the date and work is ongoing to introduce changes to be more specific re the type of application being estimated and that should give us a greater degree of accuracy and in theory less 'exceeded' estimates. I expect that to happen in the next few months but as yet, and no irony intended, no definitive date for the changes to be made. 

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