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Posted Tue, 07 May 2024 15:47:40 GMT by Michal Smalera

My wife bought a house back in 2006 with (then) her partner. Later they split, ant her ex-partner left UK to live in Germany. They didn't solve the ownership transfer (the LR still shows my wife and  her ex-partner as owners).

Now, we wanted to sort things out, so we hired lawyers, and to shorten the description: we have identification documents signed by ex-partner, confirmed with German notary. Also, TR (transfer document) is filled out and sorted. 

Anyway, the Land Registry (or registry representative) requires a confirmation of right-to-practice-law in Germany from the (German) notary.

The German notary provided self-certificate, which was rejected by LR. Second attempt: to confirm the notary's right-to-practice, we send a search results where notary is listed (search service is provided by federal authority), this was rejected, too. We reach out again to the notary, but we were informed that the body regulating notaries in Germany doesn't provide these certificates. 

What else could we do to prove that notary (who signed the paperwork and confirmed ID of my wife's ex-partner) is a valid one?


Is the LR right in demanding other form of confirmation of notary right-to-practice?
Posted Wed, 08 May 2024 05:54:49 GMT by Adam Hookway
Hello Michal - the forum is only used by us at HMLR to respond to enquiries as appropriate. If you are challenging our right to request more re the case then I would recommend that you do that via the casework process/respond to the request as issued.
With regards our requirements re an overseas notary we require evidence of that lawyer’s authority to practice in that jurisdiction. How that is provided will doubtless vary from country to country and if we have rejected things to date I would have expected the casework team to have explained why and what was actually required instead. If they haven't then I would suggest responding asking them what it is they might accept.

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